16x8 MIDI AMP/SPEAKER Selectors

Imagine you could check all your guitar amps with only one guitar chord. Here is the solution.
The Amplifier/Speaker Selector is a system which allows you to connect 16 amplifiers to 8 speakers, providing the possibility of easily selecting combinations of amplifiers and speakers. Thus avoiding waste of time and making work easier and without quality loss in the signal path.
Based in our classic 8x4 Selector:
This new version of our classic 8x4 Selector is the result of a lot of work in the improvement and develop our of gear. Now the new selector can be controlled by MIDI pedalboard and any Tablet thru a bluetooth/MIDI interface. Also incorporate a tune jack output linked to a mute switch and Bus Amp insert: for more info check manual.

«The Definitive Guitar Amp/Speaker Switcher»

«This is a life
changing unit for me»
Tim Pierce

Operator's Manual -
⚠️ WARNING of Setup-
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Live, studio and guit shop
Product Brochure -
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English Tutorial Video
Spanish Tutorial Video
Italian Tutorial Video
Portuguese Tutorial