K1 - KRYSTAL ONE 500 series preamp
The K1 Krystal one is a high class preamplifier in 500 series format. The main feature of these preamp is a sound completely clear and transparent. It is ideal for acoustics instruments because of this features:
Transformerless design
Uncolored timbral accuracy at all dynamic levels
Entirely balanced audio path with precision components that
maintains the signal integrity
Effortless, vividly realistic musical performance
Unsurpassed ambience retrieval

K1 manual -
Recall Sheets -

• Gain control in steps of 6dB
• Max. Gain: XLR input: 60 db
• Overload input signal led calibrated at 24dbu
• Pad attenuator of -20dB gain for high levels needed
• 48v phantom power with pilot light
• Phase-change switch
• High pass filter switch at 80Hz
• Overload output signal led calibrated at 24dbu
• Output control: lineal pot that Works as a typical fader from infinite to +10dB
HI-z Instrument Input in Jack unbalanced format (switches automatically the input when a Jack conector is plugged)